American Tribal Underground
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"The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation..." - La Vie Boheme B, Rent

When the virus struck, and the adults were gone, there was little hope. There was chaos and destruction abound and violent tribes were in control of the city. But when the Mall Rats came together they breathed new life into the future. They have endured death, hunger, plague, and famine. Yet every day they work together to keep the dream alive.

We in America are currently seeing Season 4 on WAM!. New episodes are Friday nights at 8:30 (eastern) preceded by the episode from the previous week.  Go forth and watch!

This site was established on November 24, 2001.
Thank you to all those who contributed their time, thoughts, opinions, and talents to make this site what it is today.

Who has been the best additon to the show?

Well, the visitors of this site voted that PRIDE has been the best addtion to the show.  Pride won with 251 votes, equating to 22% of the vote.  Thanks to everyone who voted!



Anyone who signs my Guestbook will be in my good graces. ;)

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