Setting the stage for Season 2... The Mall Rats sat around their friends graves; Amber and Zandra were gone. Bray was leaving the tribe forever. The rest of the Mall Rats didnt know what to do with their leaders gone. Jack had discovered maps to the labs where the antidote might be found. As the Mall Rats were returning home, their numbers depleted, Bray came back to them knowing that Amber would have wanted him to carry on. The tribe decided that their only course of action would be to separate and go to the different labs in search of the antidote. All have different results. Jack and Dal find nothing but a pile of ashes. Bray finds a crossbow pointed at his head. And Lex, Tai-san, and Ebony find the antidote, the key to absolute power. All the while, a new tribe called The Chosen move slowly towards the city...